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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsApEn

Description: 针对时间序列的复杂性测试,实现近似熵算法,可以分析确定信号和随机信号-time series against the complexity of testing, achieving approximate entropy algorithm, can be analyzed to determine signal and random signals
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 魏娜 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsfast_ApEn

Description: 针对时间序列的复杂性测试,实现快速近似熵算法,可以分析确定信号和随机信号,速度打打提高-time series against the complexity of testing, rapid approximate entropy algorithm, can be analyzed to determine signal and random signals, improving speed of play
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 魏娜 | Hits:

[assembly languagejsscx1

Description: 近似熵MATLAB的计算程序,可以通过此程序对脑电信号EEG进行分析,达到你要的结果。程序仅供参考,里面可能有少许不足之处,希望大家不吝赐教。-approximate entropy MATLAB program, through this procedure right EEG EEG analysis you want to achieve results. Procedures for reference purposes only, which may have some shortcomings, we hope that substantive progress has spared no.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 叶建伟 | Hits:

[assembly languagejsscx2

Description: 近似熵MATLAB的计算程序2,可以通过此程序对脑电信号EEG进行分析,达到你要的结果。程序仅供参考,里面可能有少许不足之处,希望大家不吝赐教。-approximate entropy MATLAB program two, through this procedure right EEG EEG analysis to achieve the results you want. Procedures for reference purposes only, which may have some shortcomings, we hope that substantive progress has spared no.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 叶建伟 | Hits:


Description: 脑电信号EEG近似熵研究的楷体报告答辩,希望对大家有用,仅供参考,里面可能有少许不足之处,希望大家不吝赐教。-EEG EEG approximate entropy research report italics reply and we hope that the right useful for reference purposes only and there may be some shortcomings, we hope that substantive progress has spared no.
Platform: | Size: 126976 | Author: 叶建伟 | Hits:

[Special Effectsshang

Description: 一个近似熵的源代码,一个熵代码,主要运行环境:matlab.第一个主要用与生物信号的检测,主要用于生物医疗工程的信号处理方面。(由matlab高手编)-An approximate entropy of the source code, an entropy code, the main operating environment: matlab. The first major use with the bio-signal detection, mainly for biomedical signal processing aspects of the project. (From matlab master ed.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: clw | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB的近似熵程序,主要用与生物信号的检测,主要用于生物医疗工程的信号处理方面-matlab program for calculating approximate entropy in biomedical signal processing especially.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 阿春 | Hits:


Description: This program calculates Approximate Entropy of a given time series. Approximate Entropy is a statistic which is used to predict the regularity in agiven time series. Apen( Approximate entropy ) is a recently developed method highly used in biomedical applications.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Saurabh | Hits:


Description: This is approximate entropy and sample entropy article. It will be helpful for motor behavior and rehabilitation study.
Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: sunghoon | Hits:


Description: 一种简单有效的测度熵替代方法——近似熵(approximate entropy)方 法.应用以上方法对Logistic映射复杂度进行了分析.结果表明Lyapunov指数和测度熵的值与复 杂度基本呈线性关系,分维数与复杂度的函数关系尚难确定,且与Lyapunov指数、测度熵之间的关 系也不明确. - Approximate entropy (ApEn) method is also studied. They are applied to analyze the complexity of Logistic map. The conclusion is that Lyapunov exponent and K-S entropy have approximately linear relation with complexity, while it is difficult to determine the relation between fractal and complexity.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: k | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmssampen

Description: approximate entropy is used to exmaing the one dimensional signals correaltion
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: qu | Hits:


Description: To estimate approximate entropy for EEG signal or time series data
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: murugavel.asm | Hits:


Description: Code for computing the Approximate Entropy of time Series. ApEn is a measure of the degree of regularity (very regular (sinusoid) vs. chaotic) of the time series.The program contains several "test examples" inside.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Puestejo | Hits:


Description: 熵算法在脑电处理用的应用的几篇文章 基于排列组合熵的脑电信号睡眠分期研究 基于小波变换与近似熵的睡眠分期研究 睡眠脑电的关联维数和样本熵分析 等-EEG entropy algorithm in the application used for treatment of several articles based on permutation entropy of EEG sleep stages and the approximate entropy based on wavelet transform of the sleep stages of sleep EEG correlation dimension and sample entropy analysis
Platform: | Size: 3972096 | Author: 陈郁乔 | Hits:


Description: 近似熵是系统复杂性测度很有效的一种方法,在医学、机械设备故障的诊断等方面得到广泛应用。近似熵复杂性测度具有计算简便,对时间序列长度等条件要求相对较低等优点,因而更具有实用价值,是水文非线性系统领域中的新型工具。-Approximate entropy is a measure of system complexity, a very effective way, in medicine, the diagnosis of mechanical equipment failures, etc. are widely used. Approximate entropy complexity measure with simple calculation, the length of time series such as conditions require relatively low, etc., and therefore more practical value, is in the field of nonlinear hydrological system new tools.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: feiyun | Hits:


Description: 近似熵是系统复杂性测度很有效的一种方法,在医学、机械设备故障的诊断等方面得到广泛应用。近似熵复杂性测度具有计算简便,对时间序列长度等条件要求相对较低等优点,因而更具有实用价值,是水文非线性系统领域中的新型工具。-Approximate entropy is a measure of system complexity, a very effective way, in medicine, the diagnosis of mechanical equipment failures, etc. are widely used. Approximate entropy complexity measure with simple calculation, the length of time series such as conditions require relatively low, etc., and therefore more practical value, is in the field of nonlinear hydrological system new tools.
Platform: | Size: 166912 | Author: feiyun | Hits:


Description: 混沌时间序列分析所用的近似商的计算方法,可算出学列中的近似熵。-approximate entropy
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: raimose | Hits:


Description: 近似熵的计算,matlab编程,近似熵的定义以及内部解释-approximate entropy
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 近似熵的主函数 近似熵文章推荐 matlab 源程序-The main function of approximate entropy approximate entropy articles recommended matlab source
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: 江燕 | Hits:


Description: 通过近似熵函数 提取数据特征并画出曲线,可以直接运行-By approximate entropy feature extraction data and draw the curve, you can directly run
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: feng | Hits:
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